Monte della Croce ring

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© Photo Emilio Gadaleta


  • Walking distance : 1 hour 30 minutes
Difficulty : Low
  • Lenght : 1 hour 30 mins
  • Gain : 200 meters
  • Water supply : Madognana

Note: easy and not particularly tiring route that can be tackled even by not particularly trained hikers.


Starting from Porretta city centre, follow the signs of the C.A.I trek 101, at the swimming pool take Via della Pineta, where the C.A.I. 101A starts.

Here in Monte della Croce you can take a break enjoying the forest and read books for adults and children available inside the book-swap house.

From Monte della Croce, where you can admire a stunning panorama of the Reno valley, take the C.A.I trek 101A variant, heading to Madognana : asmall and pretty village of the Municipality of Alto Reno Terme. It is worth a visit along its paths and its sightseeing point, overlooking the Reno Valley.

The way back to Porretta Terme runs along the trek C.A.I. 103, towards Porretta Terme.


Like most hiking treks in Alto Reno Terme it is advisable to wear boots, long pants and wind jackets.

Stay safe with the GeoResQ app: this GPS based tracking service is run by the National Alpine and Speleological Rescue Organisation (CNSAS) and recommended  by the Italian Alpine Club (CAI).