Once humans were free. They could express art through a strong and extraordinary body. But something has changed.

In amaric language Be-on means “if it was”.
How happened that someone took this freedom away? How they were forced into slavery far from the precious value of art? Some things are not forgotten and return stronger than ever. What if it was the escape of the way of salvation or the beating of a butterfly to make that condition re-emerge ..
The only certainty is that passion leads humans to express themselves in the most exemplary and pure way possible, leading them to reflect honestly on what makes them unique.

Every one of us was born with a talent and a vocation.
.. and what if their vocation is to start a new circus?

Show duration
40 minutes

Nouveau Cirque

Fekat Circus (Etiopia)

Italy Distribution
Daniele Di Fronzo

Directed by
Clio Abbate

Assistant Director
Andrea Bondi

Produced by ASD Olympia
in partnership with the Municipality of Alto Reno Terme