The Apennine Rediscovered

© photo Michela Marcacci Guida Appennino Trekking



A thematic tour to discover the Alto Reno Valley, through guided tours and hiking. The proposed calendar leads visitors on a journey through history, art, food and wine and nature, through the crafts that have characterized and still characterize this area today. The project is aimed at enhancing the natural, historical-artistic and food and wine territorial excellence, seen through the eyes of those who carried out ancient crafts and those who still work in the Apennines.

Eighteen dates on schedule, every Saturday and Sunday of July, August and early September, tourists can be guided on a visit by a certified hiking environmental guide in hikes that can have variable duration of half day or full day, so as to meet the needs of both visitors and families without special training, and more experienced hikers.

Sunday is always dedicated to a walk in Porretta Terme, which takes on a different focus from time to time: ancient history, the spa and the use of its waters, the Reno river and the textile economy linked to city of Bologna, churches and sanctuaries, centers of local religious life. The guided tours on Saturday instead start from Porretta Terme and are developed throughout the municipal area of Alto Reno Terme.

The narration of the Apennines therefore sets out on different itineraries, continuing to follow the thread of the jobs of yesterday and today, which unites villages, woods and paths. The protagonists are ordinary men and at the same time historical figures imbued with meaning: shepherds, charcoal burners and lumberjacks who based their subsistence life on the exploitation of forests; farmers and millers who shaped the territory through the culture of the chestnut – with the chestnut groves and the driers  – and the solid structure of the old mills that can still be visited today; stonemasons and Comacini masters, skilled in sculpture and in the use of stone, who have left a profound mark on the whole valley.

Coming to more recent times, the works of different painters and artists merge between past and present, also reaching the photography and murals of our day; creativity changes and is transmitted from one area to another, reaching the most current form of online communication through the web radio Radio Frequenza Appennino, historical laboratory of free youth expression in the area.

Let’s not forget the local food and wine productions: a visit to producers, farms, bakeries and breweries completes the picture of the area’s production activities and gives hikers the opportunity to get to know the local food and wine panorama, full of tasty discoveries..