The caves and waterfall of Labante

© photo Stefano Semenzato


Especially in the winter months worth visiting the caves and the waterfall of Labante.

The waterfall creates a puddle of water freezing all around and creating a poetic and surreal landscape.

The waterfall is also important from a scientific point of view; it derives from a karst phenomenon that, instead of digging a bed, has for millennia deposited and still deposits calcite and other substances that over time petrified forming travertine.

This kind of ancient aqueduct, fueled by the spring coming out of the church of San Cristoforo, has created a system of highly suggestive and very rare caves. These formations are usually hardly over 4-5 meters in length. The Grotte di Labante reaches even 51 meters with an elevation of 12.

For these peculiarities, the caves of Labante have been inserted as S.I.C. (Site of Community Importance – IT4050028 – SIC – Petrified Caves and Sources of Laban).

The caves are always accessible and the entrance is free.