The sounds of Alto Reno 2021

Musical review in the churches and sanctuaries of Alto Reno Terme

In 1993 with the patronage of the municipality of Granaglione, the music festival Estate in musica was born. The intent was to associate music with some very suggestive but little known places in the municipality of Granaglione. In 2016, following the merger of the municipality of Granaglione with the municipality of Porretta Terme in the new municipality of Alto Reno Terme, the review took the name The sounds of the Alto Reno. The review has never been interrupted until last year, in cause of the COVID-19 emergency. Over the years it has hosted nationally renowned musicians, but always giving space also to young emerging musicians of the area. Over the years it has always had a large following and has now become a fixed appointment for lovers of cultured music and beautiful places. The artistic director, m.stro Gianni Landroni, has always been able to count on the active collaboration of the Municipality, of Appennino Slow, of the Pro-Loco, of the I.A.T. and of the Church. This year we have now reached the 27th edition and will start on 21 July 2021 with the first concert which, as usual, will be held in the Pieve di Borgo Capanne.


  1. wed 21 July 2021 – h. 9pm – Pieve di Borgo Capanne
    Concerto for baroque violin and harpsichord
    (violin Beatrice Donati, harpsichord Filippo Pantieri)
  1. wed 28 July 2021 – h. 9pm – Chiesa di Molino del Pallone
    Concerto for violin and cello
    (violin Marco Corsini, cello Simone De Sena)
  1. wed 4 August 2021 – h. 9pm – Chiesa di Vizzero
    Concerto for flute and guitar
    (flute Marco Venturuzzo, guitar Gianni Landroni)
  1. wed 11 August 2021 – h. 9pm – Santuario della Madonna di Calvigi
    Concerto for harp solo
    (harp Elena Castini)
  1. wed 18 August 2021 – h. 9pm – Chiesa di Lustrola
    Concerto for vibraphone and guitar
    (vibraphone Guido Casadio, guitar Gianni Landroni)