Molino del Pallone to Montecavallo

© photo Emilio Gadaleta


  • Walking distance : 3 hours 15 minutes
Difficulty : Low
  • Elevation : 940 meters

Starting from Molino del Pallone (there is a train station along the Porretta Terme – Pistoia railway), you climb from the narrow street that leads to the church following the sign C.A.I. 199 on Granaglione’s old mule track.

You reach 825 meters a.s.l. at Sambucedro and continuing along the C.A.I trek 199 towards Tideri, you will rise to 1,131 meters a.s.l., where a forest trek leads up to 1,283 meter a.s.l. to the Montecavallo Mountain Hut.

The hut can be a starting point for many excursions and is also a segment of the Alta Via dei Parchi trek.


Like most hiking treks in Granaglione it is advisable to wear boots, long pants and wind jackets.

Stay safe with the GeoResQ app: this GPS based tracking service is run by the National Alpine and Speleological Rescue Organisation (CNSAS) and recommended  by the Italian Alpine Club (CAI).