The Scaffaiolo lake

@ photo IAT_ART


The Scaffaiolo Lake is located in the province of Modena just few kilometers from Porretta Terme.

Unlike other lakes in the Tuscan-Emilian Apennines, the Scaffaiolo Lake is not of glacial origin, but owes its origin to actions of chemical and physical alteration, with consequent breakup of the boulder and the action of snow and winds; it is vaguely similar in shape to a parallelogram, and appears to be fed by rainwater, snow melt and a water table (located under Mount Cupolino). This explains the impermeability of the soil. The origin of his fill, considered mysterious and still debated in past centuries, has been the subject of study since the 1700s.

The lake is located below the top of Mount Cupolino (1853 m asl) and less than two hours walk from Corno alle Scale (1,945 m asl). On one of its sides is the oldest mountain hut of the Tuscan-Emilian Apennines, the Rifugio Duca degli Abruzzi, inaugurated on 30 June 1878.